Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How 2 WoW 2gether

To begin with, I agree with everything Phi said in the first post. And if you read it, you picked up that we both play World of Warcraft, so here I'm going to explain how you can most successfully play World of Warcraft together.

First of all, World of Warcraft is a great social game that features lots of things for you and your loved one to do together.

Tip number 1: Have at least one character that you only play with the other person.

This assures not only that you will always have a character you can play with each other, you won't ever have to help the other person level so that you can play together, and neither will feel left behind. My first character to reach level 70 (and level 80) was my Shaman, who I leveled with Phi exclusively. We never leveled without the other, and didn't even join a guild. I have so many fond memories tied to that character, and he's still my main. We've since joined a guild with lots of great people, including other couples who play together.

Tip number 2: It's ok to have characters who you only play by yourself.

Once you start to play a character with your s/o, it's difficult to break off again. They can feel left behind or even betrayed by this. But you might want to play some time when they can't play, so you need a character who you can play by yourself, and only by yourself.

Tip number 3: Don't compete.

Granted, this tip was one the Phi gave in her post, but I'll elaborate. There are MANY ways that you can compete in World of Warcraft, and not all of them are immediately obvious.

Don't fulfill the same role. If you both fulfill the same role, then the two of you are immediately comparable. You can't compare Tanks to DPS, Healers to DPS, or Tanks to Healers. If there is a way to compare the two of you, then the conclusion will come up that one of you is 'better' than the other, and this will make the other person feel inadequate. This will happen even though the nature of the game's imbalance, bad luck with loot drops, available buffs, etc, may be the source of the difference. Furthermore, if you fulfill different roles, you will see that you are able to achieve great things that wouldn't have been possible if you had the same role.

Don't wear the same gear. It's really annoying when it seems like the other person gets all of the gear drops, and you don't get any. It's even more annoying when it's gear that you can use. Just don't do it, don't wear the same stuff.

Don't play the same class, just don't even consider it. It's a bad idea for both of the reasons above.

Tip Number 4: Agree

Maybe once you reach the level cap, you're okay if you don't do things together. Maybe you don't care at all. Maybe some things you don't mind but big things, like raids, are important to do together. Whatever your arrangement is, you have to agree, and stick to it.

All these things will make playing together much more enjoyable.  Let's see what Phi will have to add to this.

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